The color and the shape of the little flowers change from the up left corner to the right side of the photo. 图片显示了它密集的花的排列形状和花的不同颜色和形状。
Rain really came, opening a pair of arms, shutting up eyes, beginning, moved before going toward slowly, in the mind very loathe to give up left here. 雨真的来了,张开双臂,闭上眼睛,仰起头,慢慢的往前挪动,心里极舍不得离开这里。
He packed up and left, bag and baggage. 他卷走了全部的财物。
She just picked up and left. 她收拾了一下行李就走了。
Somewhere during the night, he got up and left. 他在夜间起身离开了。