So they set up a company that offers young professionals a platform to socialize and have fun. 于是他们创立了一家公司,专门为年轻白领们提供一个交友和娱乐的平台。
We are targeting the product at the children of well-educated, high income, young professionals. 我们的产品锁定的是受过良好教育的儿童、收入高的年轻专业人士(YP)。
The Armani suit came to symbolize these ambitious young professionals. 阿玛尼西装俨然成了野心勃勃的年轻专业人士(YP)的象征。
To achieve this goal I need to share my experience with other young professionals and learn from their successes and failures. 要实现这个目标,我必须与其他年轻专业人士(YP)分享我的经验,从他们的成功和失败中汲取经验教训。
The Fulbright Foreign Student Program helps graduate students and young professionals do research and study in the United States for a year or longer. 富布莱特留学生项目可以帮助研究生和年富力强的专家在美国做一年或更长时间地研究和学习。