This article summarizes the status and situation of the commercial market for satellites and their manufacturers, especially relates the US spacecraft manufacturers-Hughes Aircraft Company, General Electric's Astro-Space Division and Ford Aerospace(FA) & Communication Corp. - in detail. 本文概述了商业卫星市场的现状和形势,重点介绍了美国三家主要的商业卫星制造商(休斯飞机公司,通用电气公司的Astro航天分部及福特宇航与通信公司)的情况。
Ford Motor Company and Boeing will form an alliance to collaborate on nanotechnology research into the future of automobiles and aerospace products, the companies announced Thursday. 日前,美国汽车制造商福特与飞机生产商波音联合宣布,两家世界级企业将结成战略联盟,共通研发纳米技术,并将成果应用到未来的汽车和航空器制造领域。