Many skilled Java developers like to use bottom-up techniques to accelerate Web services development in SOA projects. 很多熟练的Java开发人员喜欢使用自底向上技术来加速SOA项目中的Web服务开发。
Wherever possible, Java techniques like injection are used in place of APIs to simplify programming. 在可能的情况下,将使用注入之类的Java技术替代API来简化编程。
You could use a modern Java IDE like Eclipse to automatically generate most of the boilerplate code, but that would be only a partial solution. 您可采用Eclipse之类的现代JavaIDE来自动生成主要的样本代码,但是,那只是部分解决方案。
A basic XQJ expression in Java looks like ( from the spec ) 用Java编写的基本XQJ表达式看起来是这样(源自规范)
Data Cursor handle Java objects like cursor in database and access server-side data in batches by offering local cache. 提出了一种新的数据对象DataCursor,它将数据库的游标思想用于Java对象,并且通过提供本地缓存可以分批访问服务器端的数据。