Pre-existing health problems, such as limited access to healthcare and poverty, further complicate this picture. 先前存在的健康问题,如有限的医疗保健和贫困,远比这张照片要复杂。
Herders can face limited access to grazing and watering areas. 牧民可能面临被限制进入放牧和供水区。
May only have limited access to approach my email. 可能只有有限的访问方法我的电子邮件。
A number of factors have hindered their development & including inadequate policies and limited access to existing technologies and investments. 一些因素阻碍了它们的发展&这包括不充分的政策,以及对现有技术和投资的获取受到限制。
The limited access permission level cannot be customized or deleted. 无法自定义或删除“受限访问”权限级别。