Figures and EditParts will be garbage collected and recreated over time. 随着时间推移,将对图形和EditPart进行垃圾收集(GC)处理并重新创建。
This counter tracks the pinned objects only in the heaps that are garbage collected. 此计数器只跟踪被进行垃圾回收的堆中的钉住的对象。
Classes and classloaders can still be garbage collected in just as they are in the non-shared case. 仍然按照非共享情况下的方式对类和类装载器进行垃圾收集(GC)。
Using WeakHashMap solves the problem of Thread objects not getting garbage collected, at some additional performance cost. 以一些额外的性能开销为代价,使用WeakHashMap解决了无法对Thread对象进行垃圾回收的问题。
Retain Forever : Objects with this lifetime are never garbage collected and are accessible to all threads. RetainForever:具有此生存期的对象不进行垃圾收集(GC)并且所有线程都可以访问该对象。