Based on the statistics of specific reasons explained by judge, legal lighter punishment plot, discretionary lighter punishment plot, plot excluding death penalty in minutes of talks are analyzed separately to decide their status and role in judgment of death with a suspension execution. 然后笔者对裁判文书中法官阐述的死缓理由进行统计,分别分析了各种法定从轻处罚情节、酌定从轻处罚情节、座谈会纪要排除死刑立即执行的情节在死缓裁量过程中的地位与作用。
Two players got into a fight and were sent to the penalty box for two minutes. 两名打架的球员被罚到惩罚席上坐二分钟。
Barkskin now usable while stunned and no longer contains a casting penalty, cooldown increased to2 minutes. 树皮可在昏迷中使用,不增加施法时间,冷却2分钟。
A penalty by Thierry Lacroix broke the deadlock in the dying minutes of the game. 蒂里·拉克鲁瓦的点球在比赛结束前的最后时刻打破了僵局。