Scan every floppy disk before using and check all files downloaded from a bulletin board or acquired from a modem. 软件使用前要扫描,从公告板下载的文件或从调制解调器中得到的文件都要进行检查。
Additionally, if you are not sure of the best type of file in which to store your secret data, Steganos can help you scan a hard disk for the best way to hide your information. 此外,如果您无法确定用于存储秘密数据的最佳文件类型,Steganos可以帮助您扫描硬盘以确定隐藏信息的最佳方式。
Most often, you want only a small subset of the data in the table, so a full table scan wastes a lot of disk I / O and therefore time. 通常来说,您可能只希望获得表中数据的一个子集,因此全表扫描会浪费大量的磁盘I/O,因此也就会浪费大量时间。
After the list is obtained, the cluster service attempts to scan all of the devices on the shared SCSI bus to find matching disk signatures. 获取列表后,集群服务会试着扫描共享SCSI总线上的所有设备来寻找匹配的磁盘签名。