A broad range of Web sites host open source projects. 大量的Web站点存有开源项目。
When a nearby restaurant asked me to host an open mic, the three of us got together, with an initial repertoire consisting of whatever I could sing without cringing. 后来附近一家餐馆邀请我主持一次歌会,我们三人就一起在这次“处女秀”中大大方方地唱了所有会唱的歌。
Then you can double-click the resultant icon on the host diagram to open the referenced diagram. 然后,双击该主机图上面的图,就可以打开被引用的图。
Generally, the host doesn't open the gift in front of the guest, but waits until the guest has left to open it. 客人送上了礼物之后,收礼的人一般不当面把礼物打开,而是等到客人离去后才打开。
During coffee, host Bern will open the ball by dancing a Strauss waltz with the youngest girl present. 茶点时间,主持人将与全场最年轻的女孩跳一曲华尔兹作为舞会的开场。