This becomes even more important when multiple team members update a single document, often simultaneously. 如果是团队的多名成员更新同一份文档(常常是同时更新),这就显得更重要了。
Assuming that all of your team members update their work items appropriately, the line trends closer to zero ( work remaining ) as work is completed. 假设所有的团队成员都合理地更新了工作项,那么随着工作的完成,图中趋势线接近于零(剩余工作量)。
Every time a member reads a page into its buffer pool, the PowerHA pureScale server not only keeps track of this " interest," but also requests from members to update rows on those pages. 每当一个成员将一个页读入它的缓冲池时,PowerHApureScale服务器不仅跟踪成员的这种“兴趣”,而且跟踪成员对更新那些页上的行的请求。
At any point, team members can update their workspaces from the repository and know they are up to date. 任何时候,团队成员都要能够根据资源库更新自己的工作空间,并确信它们是最新的。
Team members can also update their progress and add comments to their work items from this view. 队员们也可以从本视图中,更新他们的进程,并向他们的工作项添加评论。