During one youth fellowship at weekend, the pastor had shared us his witness regarding the memorial service for one Christian. 在一次周末的青年团契聚会上,一个牧师与我们分享了他的一次为一个基督徒举行的追思会。
Our son is a member of a youth fellowship. 我们的儿子是青年联谊会的会员。
His brother is a member of a youth fellowship. 他哥哥是青年联谊会的会员。
The emergency teams that converged on Dujiangyan, one of the cities worst hit by this month's devastating Sichuan earthquake, were joined by a small caravan from the Chengdu Catholic Youth Fellowship(YF). 成都天主教青年团体(ChengduCatholicYouthFellowship)的一个小型车队加入了聚集在都江堰的救援队伍。都江堰是本月四川大地震中受灾最重的城市之一。