The Russian leader won a whopping 89.9 percent yes vote 这位俄罗斯领导人赢得了89.9%的高票支持。
A Yes vote then would offer an unpleasant and uncertain, but at least imaginable future. 如果希腊人投赞成票,那么这将会带来一个令人不悦而又前途未卜的未来,但这个未来至少是可以想象出来的。
The Muslim Brotherhood, who know that they are well placed to profit from swift elections, campaigned for a Yes vote – and were delighted to see a 77 % vote in favour. 穆斯林兄弟会知道尽快举行选举对他们有利,发起了一次是否赞成修宪的投票。他们很高兴地看到,77%的人投了赞成票。
Here are a few ways the United States could be affected by a yes vote. 以下为您整理的是成功独立将为美国带来哪些方面的影响。