Japan posted a surplus with China for the first time since 2004, although its imports from China rose 13 per cent to an all-time high. 尽管来自中国的进口增长13%,创下历史最高纪录,但日本对华贸易仍在2004年以来首次出现顺差。
The finance ministry on Thursday said that Japan posted its narrowest trade deficit for nine months in March, helped by a big rise in shipments to the US. 日本财务省周四表示,3月份日本录得九个月来最窄贸易逆差,得益于对美出口大幅增加。
Stock markets in Japan and Australia posted steep losses of more than four percent, while Hong Kong had a modest gain of less than one percent. 日本和澳大利亚的股市跌幅超过4%,香港股市小幅上扬不到1%。
In the aftermath of the earthquake and tusnami in Japan, the comedian posted some very inappropriate – and, incidentally, not very funny –" jokes " about Japan on his Twitter feed. 在日本地震和海啸的余波中,他在Twitter上贴出了一些非常不合时宜的顺便说一句,也不是非常滑稽的有关日本的“笑话”。
Japan, Ireland and Germany posted the biggest price declines in the same period, according to the Lloyds TSB report. 据莱斯银行的报告指出,同期的日本、爱尔兰和德国的房价出现大幅下降。