Study on Equivalent Width(EW) Coefficient of Equivalent Beam in Flat Plate Structures Under Horizontal Force 水平力下板柱结构等代梁等效宽度(EW)系数的研究
The positions of equivalent width of Gaussian and hyperbolic-secant shape chirped pulse determined on upper-envelope of interferential correlation curve are given in this paper. 本文给出了高斯形和双曲正割形啁啾光脉冲干涉相关曲线上包络等值宽度的位置。
By means of the elastic finite element analysis, the calculating formulas on equivalent width coefficient α for the interior frame of flat plate structure are given out. 通过弹性有限元分析,给出了以Kt/Ks作为参数的板柱结构内框架等代梁计算宽度系数计算公式。
The study shows that it is feasible to calculate the bending strength of the slabs with the equivalent width method. 研究认为,可用等效宽度(EW)的方法计算板的受弯承载力。
The Position of Equivalent Width(EW) of Chirped Pulse 啁啾脉冲等值宽度的位置