A new method of color plates will be converted into recognizable images of binary characters 彩色车牌图像转换成可识别的二值化字符的一种新的算法
The red balloon hanging over the bed disappears in several of the color plates, then reappears at the end. 挂在床边的红气球曾经在一些页面上消失过,而最后又重新出现。
Wujiang Hualian purification color plates Co., Ltd., has to undertake large and medium-sized operating room, air conditioning engineering design, the overall strength of construction tasks. 吴江市华联净化彩板(CP)有限公司,具有承接大、中型洁净手术室、空调工程设计、施工任务的综合实力。
Preliminary discussion of color plates and advertisements published in academic journals 学术期刊设置彩页或刊登广告刍议
In ship manufacture a large number of different color steel plates are needed. 在船舶制造过程中,需要使用大量不同颜色的钢板板材。