The 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act(AAA) had also authorized marketing agreements and orders. 1933年的农业调整法(AAA)也承认市场合同和指令。
One of the first measures proposed by President Franklin D.Roosevelt when he took office in1933 was the agricultural adjustment act, which was subsequently enacted by congress. 富兰克林d罗斯福总统于1933年上任,他首先提出的措施之一就是“农业调整法(AAA)”,国会随即通过了这一法案。
Ever normal granary and the Agricultural Adjustment Act(AAA) ( 1938 ), a safeguard for the stability of American agriculture; 美国农业稳定的保障:常平仓与《农业调整法(AAA)》
A Safeguard for the Prosperity of the Modern American Agriculture : The Ever Normal Granary and the Agricultural Adjustment Act(AAA) of 1938 《1938年农业调整法(AAA)》与常平仓:美国当代农业繁荣的保障