With the support of professor Richard John(RJ) Lynn whom professor Liu entrusted his posthumous work to, the book has been translated and published in China. Here send our sincere thanks to him! 该书在中国翻译出版,得到刘若愚教授遗著托付人林理彰(RichardJohnLynn)教授的支持,谨致谢忱!
After confronting Richard, John gives the office a speech, in which he reveals the reason why and where he left to. 和理查得谈过以后,约翰在公司向大家说明了他离开的原因和地方。
A relentless pursuit of progress is typical of people who become and stay successful, says Richard St. John, author of The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common. 《成功人士共有的8个特征》(The8TraitsSuccessfulPeopleHaveinCommon)一书的作者理查德•约翰说,对进步的不懈追求是获得成功、保持成功的重要因素。
Richard Burton and John Speke went in search of the source of the nile. 伯顿和约翰?斯皮克出发去寻找尼罗河的源头。
When network executives began organizing the nation's first-ever televised presidential debate in1960, a pre-debate debate between Richard Nixon and John F.Kennedy began almost immediately. 在1960年,当广播主管们开始组织这个国家的第一次总统候选人电视辩论时,一个辩论前的辩论几乎立刻在理查德。尼克松和约翰。