Note that this is usually not the only attribute with a database index. 注意,通常情况下,CSCDISIS属性并不是惟一有数据库索引(XG7)的属性。
Database index is critical to query performance. 数据库索引(XG7)对于查询性能来说十分关键。
This paper has introduced the design methodology of main memory, database index in fire monitoring system, and compared the system running efficiency in these two situations. 本文介绍了消防监控系统中内存数据库索引(XG7)的设计方法,并对比了两种方法下的系统运行效率。
The most common in-memory database index strategy is called T-tree. 最常见的内存中数据库索引(XG7)策略是T-树。
As mentioned before, a database index is critical to performance. 正如上面所提到的那样,数据库索引(XG7)对性能来说十分关键。