Square back : Synonymous with " flat back ". 方背:与平背(FB)同义。
His ears, which had been laid flat back on his skull, came into their proper position, and the fire went out of his eyes. 先前一直贴在脑袋上的耳朵现在恢复了正常的位置,眼睛也有了神。
Try bending either the front or the back leg if the spilt isn't yet developed, and try reaching the body over the leg with a flat back. 尝试弯曲无论是前面或后面的腿,如果泄漏尚未开发,并尝试进入人体的腿与一个单位回来。
Feel that your side body becomes longer and as you exhale, surrender with flat back ( you can bend your knees if your hamstrings are tight ) and tummy engaged. 在吐气时,感受你身体的两侧变长,以背部平直、收腹向下作投降状(如果你的韧带不够柔软,可以弯曲膝盖)。
There are two kinds : a square / flat back or a round back. Each kind either has a hard / stiff back, a flexible back. Called Shelf-back in America. 有两种款式:方背和圆背。每种款式又分别有硬背、软背、密背或空背。美国术语亦称书架背。