Hyper-threading, an innovation from Intel, is a major hardware enhancement supported by the2.6 kernel. 超线程(HT)是Intel的一项创新,是2.6内核所支持的主要的硬件提高。
This paper expounds the principle and the application of multiprocessors parallel processing, Hyper-Threading(HT) Technology and multi-core processors by narrating various methods that enhance the computer performance as a beginning. 摘要以叙述提高计算机性能的各种方法为起点,阐明了多处理器并行处理、超线程(HT)技术、多核心处理器的原理与应用。
Hyper-threading is the ability to essentially schedule separate thread execution plans in a highly efficient manner. 超线程(HT)是以一种高效的方式实际调度不同线程执行计划的能力。
For the sake of this discussion a computer has ( CPUs X cores per CPU ) logical processors; double that if using hyper-threading. 就事论事,一旦计算机使用了超线程(HT),一台计算机具有的逻辑处理器(每个CPU具有X个内核的CPU)就会翻倍。
DB2 UDB supports hyper-threading, and there has never been any additional charges for this technology since it didn't double the performance of the DB2 UDB server overall. DB2UDB支持超线程(HT),但由于该项技术并没有成倍地提升DB2UDB服务器的总体性能,所以对此没有额外收费。