Korean students are higher stressor than Chinese students in non-nurses ' job ( P < 0.01 ). 而实习期间非护理工作多,朝鲜族护生压力程度高于汉族护生(P<0.01)。
On its opening day, leaders of the three biggest groups from the centre-right, centre-left and liberal centre announced a " technical agreement " to share out the job of the p a rliament's president. 就在新一届议会开幕的当天,三大集团(右派、左派和自由派)的首脑们宣布了一项“技术协定”,以此来分摊欧洲议会主席的职责。
The correlative analysis showed that the status of depression was significantly related with job stressors ( P < 0.01 ). 抑郁情感状态与职业压力的相关分析显示高度正相关(P<0.01)。
The affective disorder of nurses was significantly related with job stress sources ( P < 0.01 ), among which the highest correlation coefficient were the nursing specialty and routine, and the work load and time distribution. 护士情感障碍与职业压力源呈显著正相关(P<0.01),其中相关系数最大的是护理专业及工作方面的问题、工作量及时间分配问题和病人护理方面的问题。
It now has a unit devoted to doing those things and a team of scientists whose job is to scour the internet and scientific publications for breakthroughs P & G may be able to use. 宝洁现在有个部门专门做这些事,还有一个科学家团队负责搜索互联网和科学刊物,看宝洁可以利用哪些科技突破。