And he received applause for what may turn out to be a regrettable follow-up quip, when he said, I mean, damn man, I 'm governor, could you shut up for a minute? 这句话为他赢得了一片掌声,不过他下面的嘲讽话语可能会让他后悔莫及,因为他说到:我是说,该死的,我是州长,你能闭嘴么?
Stand up off him and box the damn man. 离他远一些打那个混蛋。
We should not totally damn a man's character for a few faults. 我们不应当抓住一点点毛病就把一个人说得一无是处。
She's the only woman that ever gave a damn, man. 他是个女人都觉得孬种的男人。
Me and Gina could do this by our damn self, man. 我和吉娜可以自己干这事,伙计。