Think back also to all that stuff a few years ago about the unipolar moment and the new American imperium. 再让我们回想一下几年前关于单极时刻和新美国帝权的说法吧。
Well, compared with the old British Empire, and the new American imperium, Chinese cultural influence is virtually nil, and unlikely to increase. 那么,与旧式大英帝国或新兴美帝国相比,中国文化影响力几乎没有,并不大可能增长。
This new faction crushed the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium and prepared for many more dire threats, which possibly included the Yuuzhan Vong. 这一新生政权曾同西鲁克帝国有过冲突,他们同时为迎接更多恐怖的威胁做出了准备,其中很可能包含遇战疯人的威胁。