Two Church Controversies, in the old Presbyterian Church and in the Southern Baptist(SB) Church. 在历史悠久的美南长老会和美南浸信会发生了两次教会争议。
I caught up with Coburn, a medical doctor and ordained Southern Baptist(SB) deacon. 我约见了科伯恩,他是一位医学博士,也是南部浸礼会执事。
Rick Warren is a fifth-generation Southern Baptist(SB) who was raised in a faith that is both austere and emotional. rickwarren是在一种朴素而又情绪化的信仰环境中长大的第五代南方浸礼会信徒。
At the same time in the1970s there was a conservative resurgence in the Southern Baptist(SB) Convention. 与此同时在20世纪70年代,美南浸信会出现了一场保守派的复兴。
' 'missionary Southern Baptist(SB) Church of God in christ. 南方传道浸信会天主教堂。