Later, this model is called as the Turing machine. 后来,人们就称这个数字模型为图灵机(TM)。
There are many states and complex function _ δ _ on conventional solving methods of Turing Machine(TM). 图灵机(TM)设计问题的常规解法一般有多个状态和较复杂的δ映像函数。
That is, they are capable of computation in the same manner as a universal Turing machine. 也就是说,他们是在计算能力作为一个通用图灵机(TM)的方式相同。
Oracle Turing machine cartographic mode My model aircraft transmitter failed and the plane went haywire and crashed into tree. 我的飞机模型的发射机失灵了,飞机失控了,撞到了一棵树上。
In1982 Richard Feynman suggested that the venerable Turing machine might not be as powerful as people thought. 年RichardFeynman提出,值得尊敬的Turing机器的功能也许并没有人们所想的那么强大。