" Black and Grey " of his post graduate period in2007 took him five months to finish, and won the " Scotland Future Star Award " in Scotland Imperial Academy(IA) in that year. 其研究生阶段作品《黑与灰》(2007年)一张就耗时五个月,并获得了当年苏格兰皇家学院(IA)颁发的“苏格兰未来之星大奖”。
In the Northern Song dynasty, Kaifeng was where the Imperial Academy(IA) was located. 北宋时,这里又是全国最高学府&太学的所在地。
But, later, the Imperial Academy(IA) discredit the research with 6 major issues. 后来,英国皇家学会专门组织了评审,指出这项实验有6条缺陷。
The Imperial Academy(IA) in ancient China was the top learning institution where the descendants of noble families were trained in feudal dynasties. 国子学是中国历代王朝培植贵胃子弟的机构,是封建国家的最高学府。
Ming Period " Epitaph of the Imperial Academy(IA) Student Zhao Jun " Unearthed from Nanjing; 南京出土明《国子监生赵君墓志铭》