Introducing participatory performance evaluation system to the management of work relief projects in our country can improve the efficiency of project management and their social benefits. 在以工代赈项目中实施参与式绩效评价,通过农户的参与,可以真实地评价项目是否达到了建设和赈济的双重目的,并对政府提供的公共服务做出评估。
In recent years, the various modes of farmer participatory management including project contract, joint stock, water association began to emerge in different districts in China, and give us a new way to improve the management efficiency of small water conservancy. 近几年来我国不少地区开始探索实行承包经营、股份合作、水利会等各种形式的农民用水户参与式管理模式,这为提高农村小型水利工程管理效率提供了一条新的路径。