Return visit management the schedule set and the workbench remind, marketing personnel can set remind log at the appointed time with customers, and right the time, the system can automatic popup small window with the customer contact timely remind. 回访管理实现了日程表设置和工作台提醒,营销人员可在与客户预定的时间设置提醒日志,到时间后,系统自动弹出小窗口提醒与客户及时联系。
According to " three group " requirement, the head of supervision group shall arrange relevant personnel to perform a comprehensive safety and quality inspection once a week, fill in safety inspection data sheet and supervision log. 按“三集体”活动要求程序,监理组负责人每周组织一次有关人员安全质量综合检查,并填报安全检查记录表,记入监理日记。