The synchronous request connection between the originating System Interface and the Mediator is then closed. 原始系统接口和中介间的同步请求(SR)连接随后关闭。
Whether the invocation style is synchronous request response or asynchronous message based. 调用样式是同步请求(SR)响应还是基于异步消息。
The Mediator sends a synchronous request to the System Interface of the original requesting System in which the business response ( to the original request ) is provided. 中介将同步请求(SR)发送给原始系统的系统接口,在其中提供了(对原始请求的)业务响应。
While a document style service can be used in any of the three usage scenarios defined in WS-I, an RPC-style web service is limited to only the synchronous request / response scenario. 而文档样式的服务可以用于在WS-I中定义的三个使用情景的任何一个,RPC样式的Web服务只限于同步请求(SR)/响应场景。
You can also create one-way operations that can be used with asynchronous invocations, but for now, we are only creating a simple synchronous request. 您还可以创建用于异步调用的单向操作,但是现在,我们只创建简单的同步请求(SR)。