It contains a single path ( although I intend to expand the sample files to include multiple alternate flows in a future iteration ). 它包含单个路径(尽管在未来的版本中我想要扩展样例文件以包含多个备选的流)。
Due to dwindling of fossil fuel, fuel ethanol has been trusted as an alternate fuel for the future. 由于石油的日渐枯竭,燃料酒精有望成为未来替代汽油燃料的能源。
The unpiloted launch tested an alternate concept for safely propelling a future spacecraft and its crew away from a problem on the launch pad or during ascent. 本次无人发射实验测试了一种用于未来太空船紧急救援的替代性设想,以便使火箭在发射台或上升段出现问题时让全体乘员安全脱离。
Every year, at the alternate time of old and new, we will look back the past and look to the future. 每年,站在这个新旧交替的时间点上,我们都会盘点过去,展望未来。