Despite doubts about the extent and novelty of these new resources, the fact remains that the IMF has more money available. 尽管这些新的资金来源的范围和“新颖度”存在疑问,IMF获得了更多可用资金(MMA)也是事实。
The people, who now have more money available, are beginning to enter into a material consumer culture. 拥有更多周转资金的人们正步入物质消费的文化当中。
The actions make more money available for lending and cut the cost of borrowing in the hope that businesses will use loans to expand operations and hire people. 这一措施增加用于借贷的资金并降低借贷成本,以期企业将利用贷款扩大经营和雇用人员。
If more money became available the effect would be initially to raise real output and incomes, but eventually just to raise prices more or less in proportion. 如果货币供应增加,那么最初的效果将会是提高实际产出和收入水平,但最终的结果将是或多或少地按比例提高价格。
The project is on hold until more money is available. 这项工程暂停,等到有更多的钱时再进行。