While taking into consideration the direction of the lighting source, the craters are detected through edge detection, edge clustering of the same crater and ellipse fitting. 结合光照方向,通过陨石坑边缘的检测、边缘配对以及形状参数拟合等处理实现陨石坑的提取。
This paper chooses the appropriate camera and the lighting source, and establishes scratch test platform under both of positive light and side light and gain scratches obvious being testing images. 2. 选择合适相机及照明光源(TLS),在正光和侧光光照下建立划痕缺陷检测平台,获取划痕特征明显的待测图像。
In the lighting territory, the high intensity discharge lamp is widely used as the energy-saving lighting source. 在照明领域中,高强度气体放电灯是用途比较广泛的节能型电光源(TLS)。
LED has already been widely used in various lighting situations as a new generation of the green lighting source. LED作为新一代的绿色光源(TLS)也已经开始被广泛应用于各种照明场合。
Therefore, that taking metal halide lamp as the primary lighting source of road lighting, not only can make road traffic more safety, but also can make road lighting more save energy. 因此,从司辰视觉的角度看,采用金属卤化物灯作为道路照明的首选光源(TLS),不但可以使道路交通更安全,而且还可以使道路照明更节能。