Confidence in local and global elites, in the market and even in the possibility of material progress will weaken, with potentially devastating social and political consequences. 人们对于本国和全球精英(GE)的信心、对于市场甚至重大进展的可能性的信心将下滑,这将对社会和政治造成潜在的破坏性影响。
They were controled by desire and fellow few global elites. 他们被欲望所控制,追随少数全球性精英分子。
Thanks to Facebook, twitter, et al, the global scalability of individual acts of insubordination creates a " new normal " for seemingly entrenched elites and potential rebels alike. 拜Facebook、Twitter等社交媒体所赐,个人不服从行为在全球范围的蔓延为似乎根深蒂固的精英和潜在反叛者创造了一个“新常态”。