During that time, a Marshall Plan seeded a miracle, and a North Atlantic Alliance(AA) protected our people. 在那段岁月,马歇尔计划播下了奇迹的种子,而北大西洋联盟(AA)保护了我们的人民。
NATO is sometimes called the Atlantic alliance. 北约有时被称为大西洋同盟。
The Warsaw Treaty Organization has disintegrated, but under the mutual effort of the Atlantic Alliance(AA), NATO has launched the enlargement and the strategic innovation. 华约解体了,而北约却在大西洋联盟(AA)的共同努力下展开了东扩和战略革新。
The Atlantic alliance, after all, was built by Republicans. 毕竟,大西洋联盟(AA)是共和党人一手缔造的。
It explained how the SCO an odd assortment of China and Russia, plus several Central Asian States had caught up, indeed overtaken, the Atlantic Alliance(AA) in military power and international importance. 信中解释了上合组织(中国与俄罗斯以及几个中亚国家的组合)是怎样在军事力量和国际地位上追赶上实际上是超越北约的。