The Snowy Mountain Scheme-A Combined Hydro-electric Generation and Inter - Basin Transfer Scheme 雪山工程&水力发电与跨流域调水综合工程
Research on the Regulation of the Regulating - and - Storing Works for Inter - Basin Water Transfer Project 跨流域调水工程中调蓄工程的调度研究
Inter, basin long distance water transfer project is usually a complex system. Risk analysis has to be made because of numerous uncertain factors. 跨流域长距离调水工程是复杂的巨系统,由于存在许多不确定因素,进行系统风险分析是十分必要的。
Risk and countermeasures for an inter, basin long distance water transfer system 跨流域长距离引调水工程系统的风险及对策