The Article 29 Working Party, a group of national officials who advise the European Union on privacy policy, sent a letter to Google last week, asking the company to justify its policy of keeping information on individuals ' internet searches for up to two years. 29条工作组是欧盟各国官员组成的一个小组,负责在隐私政策方面为欧盟提供建议。该小组上周致信谷歌,要求该公司说明其将个人用户的网上搜索信息保存长达两年时间的理由。
The new clothing policy has been explained in a letter sent to parents of the school ' s1,000 pupils and will come into force after the summer holiday. 学校在寄给本校1000名学生的家长的信中对新着装政策做了解释。这一规定将在暑假结束后开始生效。
Since the Reform and Opening-up policy has been implemented, more and more letter words from western language have been pouring into Chinese system and at the same time, Chinese itself also created some local letter words. 从改革开放以来,越来越多的字母词迅速从西方语言进入汉语,与此同时,汉语本身在实践中也制造了一些本土字母词。
If the preferential agricultural policy implementation is not in place, and even to develop unreasonable, not timely introduction of preferential agricultural policy, is bound to make a dead letter. 如果惠农政策实施不到位,乃至制定不合理,出台不及时,则必然会使惠农政策成为一纸空文。
If you think your policy might not cover your services, write your malpractice insurer a letter. 如果你认为你的政策不包括你的服务,就给医疗事故保险公司写信。