This shape is not currently part of a Gantt Chart. Drop a Gantt Chart frame shape to create a new chart, or add this shape to an existing chart. 此形状当前不属于甘特图。拖放甘特图框形状以创建新的图表,或将此形状添加到现有图表。
Thrilled with his response, I happily volunteered to drop them off the next day at the frame shop. 他的反应让我激动万分,我兴高采烈,并且自告奋勇第二天就拿去装框。
Synchronal consideration of essential and preventive maintenance helps those who neglect preventive maintenance traditionally to drop such a traditional idea. At the same time, this lets the built theoretic frame more complete and practical. 6. 通过同时考虑重大维修与预防维修,既有利于改变人们忽视预防维修的传统观念,又使论文所建立的桥梁维修全寿命经济分析与优化的理论框架更完整更实用。