TMT is unusually heavily involved in the paper forward freight agreement ( FFA ) market for future freight costs. tmt异常严重地参与了远期运费协议(FFA)(ffa)市场,以调整未来的货运成本。
Forward freight agreement ( FFA ) is an effective way to avoid freight fluctuation risk has been widely used. 远期运费协议(FFA)(干散货FFA)是目前被广泛应用的一种能有效规避运价波动风险的方式。
As the world shipping market development and international economic and trade policy changes, the Baltic freight index futures exposed more and more defects and was eventually replaced by Forward Freight Agreement(FFA) by ( FFA ) in 2004.As new freight derivatives, FFA has similar properties to futures. 随着世界海运市场的发展以及国际经济贸易政策的变化,波罗的海运费指数期货暴露出了越来越多的弊端,最终在2004年被新兴的远期运费协议(FFA)(FFA)所替代。
Among them, the Forward Freight Agreement(FFA) ( FFA ) is a recently developed shipping freight derivatives which can effectively manage the risk of freight fluctuation. 其中,远期运费协议(FFA)(FFA)是近几年来发展起来的一种能够有效地管理运价风险的运费金融衍生品。