Our Senior Pastor(SP) will be leading us into a time of prayers and preparation of hearts. 主任牧师将带领我们有一段祷告和预备心的时间。
In Berne I will take on the role of senior pastor of our home church. 我将会在伯恩担任我们教会的资深牧师一职。
A number of senior pastor and magician that her appearance and started looking for the girls. 在大陆的一个小村庄出现了握有希望之钥匙的少女。
Currently, Pastor Shawn Huang is our Senior Pastor(SP). 目前,黄锦祥牧师是本教会专任主任牧师。
When I think about being called to the position as senior pastor, I think about the calling that we see of various people in scripture. 当我想及,被召担当这位置,我想到圣经里不同的人蒙召。