Based on statistics of techniques and analysis, this article pays a special attention to the perform of the youth men's basketball team of China in the 7th World Youth Men's Basketball Championship. 运用统计、分析等研究方法,对中国青年男篮在第7届世界青年男篮锦标赛中技术进行统计分析。
Statistical Analysis of Techniques of China Youth Men's Basketball Team in the 7th World Youth Men's Basketball Championship Analysis of the Attack of the Chinese Men's Basketball Team in 7th Wild Young Men Championship 中国青年男篮第7届世青赛技术统计分析对中国青年男篮参加第七届世界青年男篮锦标赛进攻情况的分析与研究
The 7th World Basketball Championship Junior reflected the strength and the training condition of Chinese Youth Men's Basketball Team. 第七届世界青年篮球(WYB)锦标赛真实地反映出了中国青年男篮的实力和训练状况。
World sports power can be focused, and continue to create a high level of basketball success, the key lies in their emphasis on youth basketball back-up personnel training. 世界体育强国可以长盛不衰,并不断创造出高水平的篮球运动成绩,关键在于他们重视对青少年篮球后备人才的培养。