Bring your reference archive to the desktop. 将你的参考档案(RA)带到桌面上。
Safeguard your critical data with a reference archive. 通过实时存档保障您的重要数据。
A reference archive provides trustworthy copies of records to validate transactions, satisfy litigation, or meet regulatory and audit requirements. 参考档案(RA)为记录提供了可靠的副件,来确认一次交易,解决诉讼,或满足法规和审查的要求。
It had accumulated a lot of valuable experiences worthy of reference on archive bursaryconstruction and archive protection. 四在档案库房建筑及档案保护方面积累了许多足资借鉴的经验。
The inheritance and development of the Classification method, the initial forming of archive appraisal theories and standards, gradual standardization of archive retention periods, and the pioneer reference system for archive opening are then the essential milestones of the archival legislations and regulations modernization. 档案分类法的继承与借鉴、档案鉴定理论与标准的初步形成、档案保管期限由分散到统一的发展以及走出封闭第一步的档案利用制度,则是档案管理法规近代化的重要标志。