Soft bus architecture design for embedded real-time multi-task software 嵌入式实时多任务软件的软总线(SB)结构设计
Based on traditional model and modern software development technology, a theory of soft bus structure is researched. 在传统模型的基础上,结合当前软件开发的领先技术,提出了基于中间件的软件总线结构模型。对该模型的服务器端构成进行了详细分析并给出了部分实现方法。
Applying open architecture based on standard and soft bus; 采用基于标准、基于软总线(SB)的开放的体系结构;
Integrated IP Network Management System Based on Soft Bus(SB) 基于软总线(SB)的IP综合网络管理系统
A new architecture of integrated CAX system based on CORBA soft bus is provided, which includes both function-component soft bus and integrated-tool soft bus, and the realizations of function component and integrated-tool interface are studied. 该文提出一种新的基于软总线(SB)的信息集成系统结构,它包括信息集成功能模块软总线(SB)和集成工具软总线(SB),CORBACAXCAX并研究了功能软组件的实现和集成工具接口的实现。