If the government does fall it will be because of this unholy alliance between the far right and the left 如果政府真的倒台了,那一定是因为极右翼势力和左翼势力的诡异联盟。
Religious fanatics have formed an unholy alliance with right wing groups. 宗教狂热分子已经和右翼集团形成了罪恶的联盟。
Combined, they are an unholy alliance capable of wrecking global trade negotiations. 这两类人合起来,形成了一个能够毁掉全球贸易谈判的邪恶联盟(UA)。
An unholy alliance between conservative and Labour MPs during the debate. 辩论中保守党和工党议员之间令人担忧的联盟。
It is only by anticipating the consequences of this coming unholy alliance between Internet companies and intelligence agencies that our freedoms can be defended. 只有预料到互联网公司和情报机构之间正在结成的“邪恶同盟”会产生何种后果,我们才能捍卫自己的自由不被侵犯。