Man dmesg isn't all that helpful if you're not a kernel hacker. 如果您不是对内核特别熟悉,mandmesg没有什么用处。
The Linux kernel firewall realized one kind of high costly with price lower security plan, effectively prevents hacker to slander and has become very good choice for many network security manager. Linux内核防火墙实现了一种性价比较高的安全方案,有效地阻止恶意攻击,成了很多网络安全管理员的选择。
Much more can be achieved when we study more of Linux ' kernel, which might be one reason why hackers prefer Linux to Windows. 其实我们如果仔细的研究Linux内核源代码,就可以实现很多东西,这也是它比Windows系统更受Hacker们欢迎的原因。