If you had said no, then I 'd be really suspicious. 如果你说不,我倒是有点怀疑。
On a line for sometime * and then it was close to the Soviet Union That's really suspicious to Washington. 有一段时间是同一战线的。,当时和苏联关系紧密,使得美国心生疑虑。
I don't mean to blame but it's really tough to find any friends when you're suspicious of everybody. 我不是想责怪她,可是如果你怀疑任何人,你将很难找到朋友。
I really need some time for this to be sad, be suspicious of my ability, have a battlesofideal and think all happenings in the year over to find out what's the real problem. 发生这样的事,我真的需要一些时间来难过、怀疑自己、做激烈的思想斗争、反思这一年的点点滴滴,我需要一段时间来接收和承受这个事实。