In order to keep the battery being in good condition, it must be managed and controlled reasonably. A practical and effective energy management system ( EMS ) is designed in line with scientific concept to improve the quality and security of the battery pack. 为了使电池的性能保持良好,必须对电池进行合理地管理和控制,因此设计有效实用的能量管理系统(EMS),用以提高电池的使用寿命和使用安全性,降低了使用成本。
WebSEAL forms the basis of the network topology by providing proxy and security services, while the Web2.0 feature pack provides the application libraries to create Ajax styled Web applications. WebSEAL通过提供代理和安全服务形成了网络拓扑的基础,而Web2.0功能部件包则提供了应用程序库来创建Ajax风格的Web应用程序。
The authentication, confidentiality, integrity, and reliable messaging security intents are currently supported by the Feature Pack for SCA using the WS binding only. FeaturePackforSCA当前仅支持将身份验证、机密性、完整性和可靠消息传递安全意图用于使用WS绑定时。
The firms able to evolve their security style with an eye to world around us will be ahead of the pack. 能够着眼于周围世界、不断调整安保方式的企业将成为同行中的佼佼者。