Another more important reason is : universal energy is a kind of love, a kind of mercy. 另一个更重要的原因就是宇宙的能量就是一种爱、一种慈悲。
Experts at the meeting identified universal energy access to electricity and heating and cooking fuel as key to countries'development. 此次会议的专家提出,普遍获取能源(电力、取暖和做饭的燃料)是各国发展的关键。
Adenosine comes from the use of Adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ), the universal energy currency of our body. 腺苷来源于腺苷三磷酸(ATP),这就像我们身体中获取能量的一种通用货币。
The importance of universal energy access is rapidly gaining recognition. 普遍能源获取的重要性正在迅速获得承认。
Is it that natural forces, universal energy, quantum physics or prayers play a role? No! 是自然力量、宇宙能量(UE)、超自然的指引或是祈祷在发挥作用吗?