Research on the design of air burst fuse of little diameter shell based on counting rotation number for distance measurement 基于计转数定距的小口径炮空炸引信设计研究
To be serious for a moment, in the two decades since the bubble burst, Japan has had no fewer than 14 prime ministers, twice the number that Italy managed over the same period. 言归正传,泡沫破灭以来的20年中,日本已经有过不下14位首相,是意大利同一段时间内总理数量的两倍。
In order to get rid of the negative impact of the bubble economy burst, out of the recession, the Bank of Japan has implemented a number of the zero interest rate policy and loose monetary policy. 为了摆脱泡沫经济破灭的消极影响,走出经济萧条,日本银行先后实施了零利率政策和数量宽松货币政策。
Burst detection focuses on the elements changing greater, thus all elements and its frequency must be recorded. The number of these elements is very large and keeps continuously changing. The difference of each element is also notable. 突发检测关心频数变化较大的元素,因此须保存所有相异元素及其频数,而海量数据流中相异元素数目庞大且总数不断变化,每个元素频数的差异也很大。
The Mongols burst out of their obscurity into history in the early thirteenth century when temujin, a tribal leader, united a number of loosely organized tribes into a single, disciplined force. 13世纪初,部落首领铁木真把几个松散的部落联合起来,组成了一支统一的、有纪律的队伍,从此蒙古人从默默无闻中脱颖而出,载人史册。