Some weeks I completely forget about TV. I went two weeks with only watching one show, or no shows at all. I was just reading every day. 我已经有好多个星期完全忘记了看电视,我有两个星期只看了一个节目,甚至一个节目都不看,我每天都在用电子书阅读。
When there are no good shows on TV, we can get a video. 当电视上没有好节目时,我们可以看碟。
With Lombok, file no longer shows what's in a.class file. 有了Lombok,.java文件无法再展示.class文件所包含的内容。
But in the theatre, I am told, there are no old shows, just new audiences. 但在戏院里,我曾听说,没有陈旧的演出,只有崭新的观众。