They took him out of the ring feet first. 他们把他的尸首从拳击场抬出来。
I squirmed around so that I could go down feet first and, keeping my other hand on the stone overhead, I found that the ceiling did not drop as the stairs did but drew away as the stair descended. 我蠕动着转过身,这样我就能先把脚伸下去,并把我的一只手放在头顶的石头上,我发现天花板没有随着楼梯降低。
In fast, shallow water, swim on your back, feet first. 在浅而急的水中,要用仰泳,先蹬腿。
In our game with Portugal, Morals tripped me, and when I was stumbling to the ground, he leaped at me, feet first, and cut me down completely. 在对葡萄牙的那场比赛中,莫拉斯绊我,而且在我快要摔倒时扑上来踩我,把我打倒在地。